Common and less common reasons of miscarriages

In the journey of conceiving and pregnancy, there are quite a few ups and downs, highs and lows. But in some cases, the pregnancies could be high risk pregnancies, and in such cases it is crucial for the partner and the family to take extra care of the mother. If not, this can lead to a miscarriage which is often a source of emotional pain and confusion for parents who are expecting a baby. While we cannot be 100% sure, it is estimated that roughly around 10-20% of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage. There might be many more likely occurring even before a woman realizes that she is pregnant. It becomes important here for the women to to understand the reasons behind the miscarriages as these can help in coping with the loss and in making informed decisions for future pregnancies.

Defining a Miscarriage:

A miscarriage also known as spontaneous abortion is actually the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation. This is not a human medical procedure like medical abortions that are performed synthetically, this is a natural process.

There are a few common and uncommon causes of miscarriages, being aware of these is important so that the smallest symptom can be addressed for quicker interventions. At KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital which is best gynaecological hospital in Ahmedabad , we make sure to take care of the smallest of symptoms and also educate our patients to take care of themselves to avoid a miscarriage.

Common Causes of Miscarriages:

1.Chromosomal Abnormalities
2.Maternal Age
3.Hormonal issues
4.Chronic Medical conditions
5.Lifestyle factors
7.Structural Abnormalities
8.Autoimmune disorders

1.Chromosomal Abnormalities

Chromosomal abnormalities has to do with genetic dysfunction in the developing fetus where these abnormalities occur randomly while the cell division is in progress and these abnormalities in the process of cell division are incompatible with life. Chromosomal abnormalities are often the cause of early miscarriages. To name these, trisomy-where there is an extra chromosome or monosomy where a chromosome is missing can result in a miscarriage.

2.Maternal Age:

Both, the quality and quantity of the eggs of the women start declining post the age of 35. And hence the women over the age of 35 have a higher chance of miscarriages. Such pregnancies have a higher risk of miscarriages and there is a risk of the life of both the mother and the baby too so usually such pregnancies are called high risk pregnancies.

3.Hormonal issues:

Progesterone is a hormone that is vital when it comes to being able to hold a pregnancy, it maintains the uterine lining and supports pregnancy. If there is a progesterone deficiency in the woman’s body, it can lead to an inability to sustain the pregnancy and this might consequently lead to a miscarriage.

4.Chronic Medical Conditions:

Two major disorders which are uncontrolled diabetes and thyroid disorders can lead to miscarriages. If there is a situation where in a woman has poorly managed diabetes or thyroid it can significantly disrupt the hormonal imbalance that is necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

5.Lifestyle factors:

Substances like smoking, alcohol and drug use can adversely affect pregnancies as these are the substances responsible for reducing flow of the blood to the placenta which in turn leads to fetal growth restrictions and hence increases the risk of miscarriage. Obesity which means excessive body weight can lead to hormonal imbalances again resulting in risk of miscarriage.


Infections that affect the development of the fetus and can cross the placenta, like cytomegalovirus, rubella, and listeria can be causes of miscarriages too and hence the expectant parents must take care that they do not contact it.

7.Structural abnormalities:

When we say structural abnormalities we mean uterine abnormalities like uterine septum, fibroids, or scar tissue within the uterus can interfere with the implantation and growth of the embryo.

8.Autoimmune disorders:

Autoimmune disorders like antiphospholipid syndrome is a condition in which there a blood clots that form in the placenta’s blood vessels that cut off the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Another autoimmune disorder is lupus erythematosus, this has an effect on multiple organs which also includes the joints, if a pregnant woman contacts this disorder, there is an increase in complications and may also lead to miscarriage.

Uncommon causes of miscarriages:

1. Genetic disorder in parents
2. Environmental factors
3. Severe malnutrition
4. Severe trauma or stress
5. Immune system issue
6. Thrombophilia
7. Unexplained reasons

1.Genetic Disorders:

If the parents have a genetic disorder it is likely that it may be passed down to the baby as well and it is important to get it checked and detected to see if the better option is to terminate the pregnancy at an earlier stage than it causing a problem to the mothers life fatally when the disorder will force the mother to have a miscarriage at a later stage. Being transparent and checking with the doctors sooner for timely interventions is important.

2.Environmental factors:

Environmental factors can be fatal to the health of the fetus and may consequently cause a miscarriage. Environment can be both physical and mental, when it comes to the physical environment, radiation and exposure to chemicals(pesticides, heavy metals etc.) can be detrimental and can lead to a miscarriage and can cause severe consequences for the mother too. Living in an environment and space that constantly makes you sick and pressured and gives a lot of stress is not good for the fetus and in the rarest cases can also cause a miscarriage.

3.Severe Malnutrition:

There was a time in Africa where a mass population had miscarriages due to no proper nutrition, similarly here in India in specific cases there is a deficit of folic acid, vitamin D and calcium, iron can impact the development of the fetus increasing the risk of miscarriages. Hence prenatal care like balanced diet and right amount of prenatal vitamins is important

4.Severe trauma and stress:

Picking up heavy objects and weights etc is not permitted during pregnancy, the reason being that it causes physical trauma to the abdomen when we lift things from the waist, and this can cause a miscarriage.
Everyday stress and trauma cannot lead to something as extreme as a miscarriage but extreme stress and trauma may contribute to loss of pregnancy in some cases.

5.Immune System Issues:

Anything is right when it is balanced, too little or too much of anything can be harmful, this is exactly it for an overactive immune system. If a woman has an immune system that can be described as overactive, it means that there could be an excess of natural killer cells which have the potential to attack the embryo, leading to miscarriage.


This is a type of blood clotting disorder that restricts flow of blood flow to the placenta and can hence lead to miscarriages.

7. Unexplained reasons:

This is also called idiopathic miscarriage where despite extensive and comprehensive testing and evaluation the cause of the miscarriage cannot be determined. This becomes a little frustrating for the expectant parents as it is difficult to plan their future pregnancies.


For prospective parents, knowing the causes of miscarriages is essential since it may help them recognize possible dangers and take preventative action. In addition to maternal age and chromosomal anomalies, less prevalent reasons include genetic illnesses, environmental variables, and acute trauma can play a part. The top gynecologists in Ahmedabad can be found at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital, which prioritizes patient education and holistic treatment to promote safe pregnancies. Parents may handle the complications of pregnancy with more confidence and optimism if they remain educated and collaborate closely with healthcare specialists.